Re-presencing Indigenous women’s connections to fish, water, and family around the Salish Sea
The first installation of The Water We Call Home took place at the Yellowhouse Art Centre on Galiano Island in July and August 2022. See documentation of the exhibition and our community-based curatorial process below.
The Exhibition
Room 1: Sound, Images, Tea
Room 2: Video Screenings
Room 3: Photographs by Kali Spitzer
Weaving Together
During the installation of the exhibition, the project team led by Karen Charlie, Richard Charlie, and Rosemary Georgeson connected with family and members of the wider Galiano community. Together we harvested bullrushes and learned to weave them; we wove gifts for the exhibition opening; and we carved and painted cedar paddles for exhibition the opening song. Visitors to the exhibition were invited to continue to work on the weavings with support from the Yellowhouse Art Centre attendants.

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The Yellowhouse Art Centre Society
Located on Shxixnetun/Sturdies Bay, Yellowhouse Art Centre Society is a not-for-profit organization serving primarily Galiano Island and surrounding communities by offering year-round multidisciplinary arts programming. It facilitates ongoing art classes and various creative workshops for people of all ages and backgrounds, hosts exhibitions, performances, events and an artist in residency program.